You can choose to be "Happy"
a few secrets to help live your life more fully
My dad died at a time in my life right after I had begun to build a family. So, at 33, I buried one of the most influential people in my life. That was probably the most traumatic event that I had ever experienced. I also included the year I spent in combat in Vietnam. I never realized that thinking negative thoughts often lead to a person being thought of as depressed.
I spent the next 10 years trying to figure out why I was having problems with being so negative. I asked myself these questions: “Why am I having these struggles?” “Why do I seem to be negative all the time?”
Finally, my wife insisted that I talk to my doctor about it. That conversation resulted in a prescription, but the negative thinking continued. That's when I decided to get some help from a counselor. What I learned during the following year helped me turn my life around. The counselor guided me through the negative thoughts into a positive outlook. Now that I'm nearly eighty, I have started a new career.
I want to share some of the insights I gained with you. If you incorporate these two simple suggestions, you may not solve your negative thinking, but you'll positively influence yourself and the people around you.
I spent the next 10 years trying to figure out why I was having problems with being so negative. I asked myself these questions: “Why am I having these struggles?” “Why do I seem to be negative all the time?”
Finally, my wife insisted that I talk to my doctor about it. That conversation resulted in a prescription, but the negative thinking continued. That's when I decided to get some help from a counselor. What I learned during the following year helped me turn my life around. The counselor guided me through the negative thoughts into a positive outlook. Now that I'm nearly eighty, I have started a new career.
I want to share some of the insights I gained with you. If you incorporate these two simple suggestions, you may not solve your negative thinking, but you'll positively influence yourself and the people around you.
6 Key Steps To Live Life To The Fullest
You could say that in life we are motivated by two basic forces – love and fear. Love opens us to the passion and excitement that love has to offer, while fear causes us to withdraw from life and hide away, terrified of hurt and pain. John Lennon said something along these lines and noted that without the ability to love ourselves, we can't truly love others.
Fear is holding you back from tackling life and living it to the full. It can stop you in your tracks and keep you from chasing your dreams, and often, we don't even realize what fears are haunting us. We are terrified of failing, of losing love, of being lonely, of having to change, and of the unknown, too. We are veritable cowardly lions.
While there is a time and place for fear, which often protects us from truly dangerous experiences, they can also be destructive. With these six steps, you can put fear to one side and start living your life to the fullest.
Fear is holding you back from tackling life and living it to the full. It can stop you in your tracks and keep you from chasing your dreams, and often, we don't even realize what fears are haunting us. We are terrified of failing, of losing love, of being lonely, of having to change, and of the unknown, too. We are veritable cowardly lions.
While there is a time and place for fear, which often protects us from truly dangerous experiences, they can also be destructive. With these six steps, you can put fear to one side and start living your life to the fullest.
for you: an article of encouragement
You can be truly happy -- that's right, you can!
Today just might be the day that changes your life. You could possibly have a breakthrough, like the light coming out from behind a cloud. You see, happy people deliberately do things that invariably lead them to happiness. So, you should focus on unlocking your true potential and claim your ultimate birthright: HAPPINESS! You can begin by doing those things that will inevitably lead to your happiness. But what are those things? And how do they help? Well...
are you aware of the latest research
Self-care is the greatest gift you can give to yourself. It is so important that to not do it will result in damage to yourself and, if you are in business, it will seriously impact your business as well.
©2024 Herbert Sennett, LLC (All rights reserved).
Disclaimer: The information presented is for informational purposes only. It is based on scientific studies, clinical experience, or traditional usage as cited in each article. The results reported may not necessarily occur in all individuals. For many of the conditions discussed, treatment with prescription or over-the-counter medication is also available. Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problem before using any supplements or before making any changes in prescribed medications. It could be dangerous to immediately cease taking psychiatric drugs because of potential significant withdrawal side effects. No one should stop taking any psychiatric drug without the advice and assistance of a competent, medical doctor.